Exceeding Expectations

Environmental Social Governance (ESG)
At the core of Synergy is all about helping those around us. Whether this is saving our clients time, stress and money; or working within our community to provide value and support to those who need it. Our goal is always to make a positive impact that lasts.
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Inspire the next generation
Synergy is proud to support and work in collaboration with Inspiring the Next Generation; a programme which was founded by former professional footballer, Luke Staton, to motivate, encourage and empower young people to follow their dreams.
The specially designed programme supports children by developing their life skills in a safe and inspiring environment, allowing them to make their own choices by teaching them strategies that involve them thinking and reflecting on themselves, whilst also learning to become resilient in times of adversity.
Together, we motivate and encourage children from all backgrounds to think creatively and see the value in taking time to consider their future, through supporting them in thinking broadly to reach their maximum potential.
For any client who signs with Synergy*, we will pay for a school of YOUR choice to receive such support. You will also get the opportunity to attend such an event and showcase your business to the next generation – an opportunity for you to support your local community.
Through the partnership with our clients, Luke has already been able to support thousands of students around the country.
Giving back to Nature
Sustainability should be at the forefront of all businesses. It’s our duty as parents and as a species to leave the planet in a better position than how we found it for generations to come.
This is where Make It Wild comes in, a company founded by Helen and Christopher Neave in 2017, to address this issue through rewilding and carbon offsetting. This partnership allows Synergy's clients to support essential environmental restoration while reducing their own carbon footprints.
Make It Wild has planted over 60,000 trees across seven sites and through our partnership collaborates on projects such as tree planting, wetland restoration, and wildlife habitat installation, which promotes biodiversity and connects people with nature. These initiatives aim to recreate ancient forests and natural habitats, ensuring a greener future for all.
Halifax Community Kitchen
You should never have to choose between feeding yourself or your loved ones. This is why when we met the Halifax Community Kitchen we knew they align with our core values.
The Halifax Community Kitchen is a voluntary organisation that provides hot meals, drinks, hygiene packs, and food parcels completely free to anyone who needs them. Having been set up by an amazing lady without any funding, purely relying on the goodwill and nature of volunteers we have now developed a partnership with the HCK and have made a commitment to help support the organisation and assist it in:
Achieving a charitable status. We are supporting HCK with their application to become a charity and to help them access the funding they deserve for the work they are doing.
Setting up an Online Presence. Our marketing team is supporting them through building them a website, setting up social media and providing training to the volunteers to shout about the amazing work they are doing.
Volunteering opportunities. Additionally, all members of the Synergy Team volunteer once a month with the project on a Sunday.
As a Halifax-based organisation, we feel it is important that we support the people within our local community.

Other causes we care about
As a company, we have and will continue to work with other good causes that resonate with our values. Whether this is through providing our services for free, donations or through partnerships through our clients, our mission is to make a lasting positive impact on everyone in our community.
Other causes we care about
As a company, we have and will continue to work with other good causes that resonate with our values. Whether this is through providing our services for free, donations or through partnerships through our clients, our mission is to make a lasting positive impact on everyone in our community.